Installing K3s with embedded etcd on RaspberryPi 4
Today we will use k3sup
to install k3s onto our Raspberry Pi 4s. To install this tool on macOS we can simply use Homebrew:
brew install k3sup
Next, we will use Balena Etcher. This is a handy tool for flashing images to usb devices and such. It’s avaliable on Homebrew under the cask balenaetcher
brew install balenaetcher
To install Ubuntu on our Raspberry Pi, head over to the Ubuntu Raspberry Pi downloads page, and grab the latest .iso
. Plug your SD card into your computer, start up Etcher, and follow the instructions to flash the image onto your SD card.
The next thing we want to do is to update the user-data
. This manages the operation of cloud-init
, which creates your user, with appropriate SSH authorized_keys
and such on the first boot. My file looks like this:
hostname: pixie0
ssh_pwauth: false
- name: k3s
- gh:jmmaloney4
shell: /bin/bash
lock_passwd: true
This disables password-authenticated ssh, and creates one user named k3s
with ssh authorized_keys
from the GitHub account jmmaloney4
, and passwordless sudo permissions. There are lots of other cloud-init options, but these are the basics needed to get an installation of Ubuntu up and running.
After modifying the user-data
file on the root of the newly-flashed SD card, eject it, insert it into your Raspberry Pi and boot it up. It may take a few minutes for your ssh keys to get copied to authorized_keys
, so don’t be alarmed if you cannot immediately log into your pi.
Next we need to configure the machine a little bit. We will use ansible
to do this. The first task is to fix the kernel cmdline to enable some features required by Kubernetes.
- name: Fix RaspberryPi cmdline
hosts: all
become: true
- name: Fix cmdline
register: fix_cmdline
- "bash"
- "-c"
- |
mv /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt.bup;
head -n 1 /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt.bup | tr -d '\n' | cat - <(echo ' cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory') > /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt;
touch /boot/firmware/.CMDLINE_FIXED"
creates: /boot/firmware/.CMDLINE_FIXED
- name: Reboot
when: fix_cmdline is changed
The first task fix_cmdline
ensures that the /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
file has cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory
present. The tricky part is that it all has to be one line, and there doesn’t seem to be a good way to append to the same line built in to ansible. So theres a little shell sorcery. The second task just ensures that the Raspberry Pis reboot, in order to enact the changes, but only when necessary.
Next we need to disable the swap. This is to give K8s full management of the memory available on the device, thus pods can be scheduled apropriately, and not where they will be constantly swapped out.
- name: Disable Swap
hosts: all
become: true
- name: Remove swap from /etc/fstab
name: "{{ item }}"
fstype: swap
state: absent
- swap
- none
- name: Disable swap
command: swapoff -a
when: ansible_swaptotal_mb > 0
This play will remove the swap line from /etc/fstab
, and disable swap.
Finally, we can install Docker.
- name: Install/Upgrade and configure Docker
hosts: all
become: true
- name: Install/Upgrade Docker
update_cache: yes
state: latest
- name: Start Docker service
name: docker
enabled: yes
state: started
- name: Add user to docker group
name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
groups: docker
append: yes
This play installs the
apt package, ensures the docker
service is started, and will continue to start on each reboot, and then adds our k3s
user to the docker
group, which is important to ensure that docker commands can be executed without a password.
Throw each of these plays into a playbook file called rpi_init.yaml
like so:
- name: Fix RaspberryPi cmdline
- name: Disable Swap
- name: Install/Upgrade and configure Docker
Then setup an inventory.toml
file by literally listing each ip address you play to use line by line:
Then run the ansible playbook like so:
ansible-playbook -u k3s -i inventory.toml rpi_init.yaml
After your pi reboots, run the following command using k3sup:
k3sup install \
--cluster \
--k3s-channel v1.21.0+k3s1 \ # Or whatever is latest [see](
--user k3s --ip
This command will initilize the first server node. To add additional nodes as other etcd/controlplane nodes (You need an odd integer greater than three) run:
k3sup join \
--server \
--k3s-channel v1.21.0+k3s1 \
--user k3s --ip \
--server-user k3s --server-ip
And to add them as non-etcd/worker nodes just drop the --server
k3sup join \
--k3s-channel v1.21.0+k3s1 \
--user k3s --ip \
--server-user k3s --server-ip
When adding new nodes, you may replace the --server-ip
with any of the etcd/controlplane nodes.
That’s it! There should be a file called kubeconfig
in your local directory. Run
mv ./kubeconfig ~/.kube/config
kubectl get nodes --watch
And watch as your nodes register themselves to the cluster.